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In order to obtain the discount you need to select the Buy Now option and will not receive the free one month trial offer. After the first 4 months, your account will be charged on a monthly basis at the then current price until you cancel. The above discount offer is available only to new QuickBooks Self-Employed customers and cannot be combined with any other QuickBooks Online offers.

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These terms apply to QuickBooks UK customers only. Bulk-pricing discount offer is valid only if you are signing up for more than one QuickBooks Online subscription with each order.

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Accept cookies. Cookie settings. Online accounting software that supports you and your business. Th e File Down load win d ow op en s. Th is op tion saves a cop y of th e u p d ate to you r com p u ter for you to later in stall. Th e Save As win d ow ap p ears. If it d oes n ot start au tom atically, dou ble-click th e file you down load ed. Extract th e files to a tem p orary fold er wh ere you can fin d th em again easily.

Som e viru s p rotection p rogram s can in terfere with th e in stallation. Qu ickBooks sets u p a sh ared location to wh ich u p d ates are d own load ed. Th en , if an y u ser in a m u lti-u ser en viron m en t d own load s an d in stalls an u p d ate, Qu ickBooks d etects it an d p rom p ts each of th e u sers—as th ey op en th e p rogram —to in stall th e n ew version.

For m ore in form ation , con tact Cu stom er Service see p age W h en you receive th e CD, in stall th e u p d ate as you wou ld in stall an y oth er software. Bef ore inst alling f rom a CD Th ese in stru ction s m ay ch an ge from tim e to tim e. To inst all your Quick Book s updat e: 1 Sh u t d own all op en p rogram s, in clu d in g Qu ickBooks an d an y viru s p rotection software you m ay h ave.

It con tain s im p ortan t in form ation abou t h ow you r software is affected by th is u p d ate, an d wh at you sh ou ld d o n ext.

Now you n eed to con vert you r d ata from you r form er accou n tin g software. You m ay also wan t to m ake som e ad ju stm en ts to you r com p an y file to take fu ll ad van tage of Qu ickBooks featu res. Bef ore you convert t o Quick Book s, back up your Quick en dat a f ile. If you plan to continue using Quicken w ith this data for exam ple, if you have both busi- ness and personal data in your Quicken file , m ake a copy of the Quicken file before you m ake changes.

For instructions on backing up a Quicken file, see the docum entation that cam e w ith your softw are. QuickBooks data files are called com pany files and they are not com patible w ith and cannot be converted back to Quicken data files. Note: Do not uninstall Quicken before installing QuickBooks and converting to it.

Note: All transfers to and from the deleted accounts will be converted as transactions to your opening balance equity account to ensure that your accounts balance. In th is case, you sh ou ld con tin u e trackin g you r in vestm en ts in Qu icken an d u pd ate th e balan ce of you r Qu ickBooks Oth er Cu rren t Asset accou n ts p eriod ically.

For exam ple, print any cheques you have pending. If th e Qu ickFill op tion for m em orizin g all tran saction s is tu rn ed off in Qu icken , Qu ickBooks con verts both you r m em orized tran saction s an d you r sch ed u led tran saction s. On th e oth er h an d , if th e op tion is tu rn ed on , Qu ickBooks con verts on ly sch ed u led tran saction s an d you r tran saction grou p s. It d oes n ot con vert stan d -alon e m em orized tran saction s.

Qu ickBooks always con verts tran saction grou p s. After th e con version is com p lete, you can rem ove th e m em orized tran saction s from th e grou p an d u se th em as you did in Qu icken. For in form ation abou t tran saction grou p s in Qu icken , look in you r Qu icken d ocu m en tation. Note: Memorized transactions from Quicken accounts payable will not work properly in QuickBooks accounts payable. You should delete these before you convert your data.

For exam p le, if you h ave a cu stom er listed as Dan Miller, D. Miller, an d Dan iel Miller, you sh ou ld ed it th ese n am es before you con vert so th at th e cu stom er goes by on ly on e n am e. If y o u u s e o n lin e b a n k in g You can ban k on lin e with p articip atin g fin an cial in stitu tion s th rou gh Qu ickBooks ju st as you can in Qu icken. However, n ot all in stitu tion s th at work with Qu icken also work with Qu ickBooks.

Con tact you r fin an cial in stitu tion before con vertin g to con firm th at it su p p orts Qu ickBooks. If it d oes n ot, an on lin e accou n t in Qu icken will n ot rem ain an on lin e accou n t after th e con version to Qu ickBooks. Supports online account You w ill need to re-enable access in both Quicken and your online accounts in Quick- QuickBooks Books after conversion.

Also, Qu ickBooks d oes n ot create an y sort of lin k between you r Qu icken d ata an d you r n ew Qu ickBooks com p an y. In stead , Qu ickBooks creates a com p letely n ew set of files for you to u se. Th e Im p ortan t Docu - m en tation win d ow ap p ears. As th e con version fin ish es, Qu ickBooks gives you a list of n am es to wh ich you m ad e p aym en ts bu t wh ich you h ave n ot u sed in you r accou n ts receivable accou n t.

If you wan t to u se Qu ickBooks accou n t p ayable, be su re to m ove you r Qu icken p ayees oth er th an em p loyees from th e Oth er Nam es list to th e Ven d or list. How ever, once m oved, you cannot m ove a nam e again. W h en all th e n am es are m arked correctly, click OK. To restore all the check m arks to the Other Nam e colum n, click Revert.

Stewart, Tracey Stewart, an d Tracey L. Stewart , Qu ickBooks p u ts each version of th e n am e in th e Oth er Nam es list. However, you can m erge th e n am es to sh orten th e Oth er Nam es list.

If you wan t Qu ickBooks to track tax in form ation for you , you m u st also select th e tax form you file from th e d rop -d own m en u. Now you can cu stom ize Qu ickBooks for you r n eed s. Th en click th e Accou n t m en u bu tton at th e bottom of th e win d ow an d ch oose Edit.

If th e accou n t h as n o Accou n t Details tab in th e Ed it Accou n t win d ow, it is n ot on lin e in Qu ickBooks. An accou n t th at was on lin e in Qu icken will n ot be on lin e in Qu ick- Books if th e fin an cial in stitu tion d oes n ot work on lin e with Qu ickBooks. W h en you create a n ew accou n t an d en ter its op en in g balan ce, Qu ickBooks en ters th at am ou n t in th e Op en in g Bal Eq u ity accou n t, so th at you r accou n ts balan ce.

You can leave th e Op en in g Bal Eq u ity total alon e, or you can d istribu te am ou n ts from it to oth er eq u ity accou n ts. Qu ickBooks m akes it easy to m ake ch an ges at an y tim e.

Qu ickBooks con verts th e tran saction s in th is accou n t in to h istorical tran saction s in you r jou rn al, wh ich in d icate wh at you owe an d to wh om. For a cash -basis system , Qu icken recom m en d s u sin g a Ban k accou n t an d sim p ly p ostd atin g ch eq u es. For an accru al-basis system , Qu icken recom m en ds u sin g an Oth er Liability accou n t. Th e tran sition to Qu ickBooks accou n ts p ayable is th e sam e for eith er system.

No m atter wh ich m eth od you were u sin g in Qu icken , from n ow on , u se th e En ter Bills win d ow to track you r bills. Th e En ter Bills win d ow tracks you r bills in th e Accou n ts Payable accou n t.

Make su re th e d ate ran ge is set to Include all dates, th en p rin t th e rep ort for referen ce. En ter an y n ew bills in to Qu ickBooks accou n ts p ayable. You also n eed to d elete an d re-en ter an y m em orized tran saction s th at Qu ickBooks con verted for you from Qu icken accou n ts p ayable, as th ey will n ot work p rop erly in Qu ickBooks accou n ts p ayable. Qu ickBooks u ses a few term s th at are stan d ard in bu sin ess bookkeep in g an d th at reflect th e in creased p ower an d con ven ien ce of Qu ickBooks for bu sin ess.

Th is table lists th e m ost im p ortan t d ifferen ces in term s. It d oes n ot list th e m an y com p letely n ew Qu ickBooks featu res an d term s. Q u ic k e n Q u ic k B o o k s D e f in it io n t e rm t e rm Account Balance sheet account A grouping of records related to one kind of asset, liability, or equity.

These accounts appear on a balance sheet. Category Incom e or expense A grouping of transactions related to one kind of account incom e or expense. These accounts appear on a profit and loss state- m ent incom e statem ent. Fe a t u r e d if f e r e n c e s Th e followin g table lists featu res th at exist in both Qu icken an d Qu ickBooks, bu t th at work d ifferen tly in Qu ickBooks th an in Qu icken. Fe a t u r e Q u ic k e n Q u ic k B o o k s Entering Enters m ost transactions in regis- Enters m ost transactions in form s transactions ters.

Write Cheques Displays a cheque that looks like a Displays a business cheque w ith paper cheque. No gory from a class in transactions. In QuickBooks, projects or jobs can be linked to custom ers as part of the Custom er:Job list, so you can use classes for different kinds of classification. Transfers Uses brackets [ ] to indicate a No need to use brackets. Quick- transfer to another balance sheet Books handles transfers like any account.

Passw ords One passw ord for entering and Custom izable passw ord and per- view ing data. Subaccounts Categories can have subcatego- M ost accounts, even balance sheet ries, but accounts cannot have accounts, can have subaccounts. Payroll accounts if A separate liability account for You can continue using your old you set up your each tax w ithheld and for every liability accounts. How ever, by accounts as other payroll liability. W h en you con vert a Qu icken file, th e p rogram au tom atically creates Qu ickBooks accou n ts m ost like you r Qu icken accou n ts.

For exam p le, Qu icken som etim es u ses liability accou n ts in stead of eq u ity accou n ts. In Qu ickBooks, you can m ake th em eq u ity accou n ts. However, th ey will ap p ear in ch ron ological ord er. A bout paym ent s, credit m em os, and ref unds. Credit m em os and refund cheques, like paym ents, are also applied in chronological order based on invoice dates, so their links m ay also be different after conversion.

Qu ickBooks d oes n ot ch an ge you r origin al Qu icken file in an y way as it im p orts in form ation from it, n or d oes it create an y con n ection between it an d you r n ew Qu ickBooks com p an y. You can con tin u e to u se you r origin al file with Qu icken.

D o not use online bank ing f or t he sam e account in bot h program s. If you track the sam e account in both Quicken and QuickBooks, you can only use online banking in one program.

If you try to use online banking for the sam e account in tw o different program s, it w ill not w ork correctly. Qu icken u p d ates th e m arket valu es wh en you en ter th e latest sh are p rices, an d it rep orts on average an n u al total retu rn , cap ital gain s, an d in vestm en t in com e.

After you h ave fin ish ed con vertin g, som e ad ju stm en ts m ay n eed to be m ad e to you r n ew Qu ickBooks com p an y to take ad van tage of th e Qu ickBooks featu res th at MYOB d oes n ot offer. Note: Before converting, verify and optimize your MYOB company file to ensure that there are no data integrity issues with your data. If there are data integrity issues, the need to be resolved before you can convert to QuickBooks.

Th e W elcom e to Qu ickBooks win d ow ap p ears. Th e con version p rocess m ay take som e tim e d ep en d in g on th e size of you r com p an y file. At th is tim e, you can view th e log file to see th e resu lts of th e con version. Click th e Finish bu tton to close th e assistan t an d start u sin g Qu ickBooks. W h en th e con version is d on e, a n ew Qu ickBooks com p an y file is op en con tain in g you r MYOB d ata an d is ready for you to begin u sin g.

To h elp fam iliarize you rself with Qu ickBooks, h ere are som e th in gs th at we su ggest you d o. It com es with two exercise com p an y files you can u se to p ractice en terin g tran saction s.

To op en it, go to th e Help m en u an d select Quick- Books Coach. Th is in teractive tu torial lets you p ractice com m on tasks with ou t affectin g an y d ata in you r com p an y file. You can com p lete it in 15 m in u tes. From th e Com p an y n avigator, click Chart of Accounts. Th is is becau se th e accou n t balan ces in you r MYOB file m ay in clu d e tran saction s th at were en tered after th e ch osen "con version d ate".

Cu stom ers an d ven d ors are add ed to Qu ickBooks lists. To see you r cu stom er list, op en th e Cu stom ers n avigator an d click Customers. To see a list of you r ven d ors, op en th e Ven dors n avigator an d click Vendors. Navigators gath er in form ation from you r d ata an d d isp lay it in on e location so you can m an age you r bu sin ess m ore effectively.

The navigators are listed here. To open a navigator, click the nam e of the navigator in this list. The flow chart depicts activities related to dealing w ith custom ers. In this area, QuickBooks Here, you have easy access to reports provides suggestions for related to custom er activities. You can w orking w ith your also custom ize this by adding reports custom ers. Payroll d ata is on e su ch com p on en t. As a resu lt, Qu ickBooks can con vert som e of you r p ayroll d ata, bu t n ot en ou gh of it to con tin u e d isp ersin g p ayroll to you r em p loyees.

Th ese step s teach you h ow to q u ickly set u p you r em p loyees in Qu ickBooks. For d etails on h ow to u se Qu ickBooks p ayroll featu res, read Ch ap ter 7, Payroll an d em p loyees, begin n in g on page W e recom m en d th at you read th is ch ap ter in its en tirety before you rem it you r first p ayroll ch eq u e.

You can also search th e Help in d ex, or click F1 on an y win d ow in Qu ickBooks for con text-sen sitive h elp. Gen eral p ayroll in form ation , su ch as th e p rovin ce in wh ich you r com p an y op erates, an d you r bu sin ess n u m ber are also con verted to Qu ickBooks.

Before you can start p ayin g you r em p loyees; h owever, Qu ickBooks req u ires ad d ition al d ata abou t you r p ayroll in ord er to keep yo u r p ayroll tax in form ation correct. You can get th is d ata from th e followin g MYOB rep orts. In th e Period field of th e Rep ort Cu stom ization win d ow, select Year- to-d ate, en su re th e d ate ran ge is from th e begin n in g of th e p ayroll year to th e d ate you started u sin g Qu ickBooks, th en click Display.

Th e am ou n t on th is rep ort sh ows th e ou tstan d in g accru al balan ces for each em p loyee. Click OK. All Qu ickBooks p ayroll featu res are n ow visible. Payroll item s are th e bu ild in g blocks of th e Qu ickBooks p ayroll system. Qu ickBooks creates som e stan d ard p ayroll item s in th e Payroll Item list wh en you first tu rn on th e p ayroll featu re. You m ay n eed to create n ew p ayroll item s to m atch th e way you p aid you r em p loyees in MYOB.

For exam p le, if you p aid you r em p loyees h ou rly, you n eed to create an h ou rly wage p ayroll item. W h en th e p ayroll featu re in Qu ickBooks is tu rn ed on , two accou n ts are ad d ed to th e Ch art of Accou n ts: Payroll Exp en ses, an d Payroll Liabilities. Qu ickBooks u ses th ese p ayroll accou n ts to track p ayroll tran saction s. If you are n ot clear on wh at MYOB p ayroll liability an d exp en se accou n ts th at you n eed to m erge, talk to you r accou n tan t.

Em p loyee d efau lts for p ayroll taxes, accru al h ou rs or vacation p ay will n ot be ap p lied to you r existin g MYOB em p loyees th at were brou gh t over d u rin g th e con version. Th ese p rop erties m u st be set u p wh en you cu stom ize each em p loyee. On th e followin g two win d ows, en ter th e d ates as ap p rop riate. You sh ou ld be en terin g th e d ate th at you con verted to Qu ickBooks. If a m essage p op s u p askin g if you wan t to set u p sick h ou rs accru ed , click Later.

Enter the totals you see on this report into QuickBooks. For details on how to generate this report, refer to step 1. Year-to-date am ounts can also be retrieved from the last payroll stub that you printed for an em ployee.

The date range should be from the beginning of the payroll year to the date you converted to QuickBooks. Do not use the accrued vacation pay am ount show n in the Payroll Register detail report as this am ount does not include any outstanding accrued vacation pay carried forw ard from previous payroll years. In th is exam p le, we created a Tax Liabilities rep ort coverin g th e p eriod of tim e wh en we rem itted ou r tax liability p aym en ts to th e govern m en t.

You cou ld also get th is in form ation from you r PD7A form s. These paym ents, in addition to other non-tax payroll liability paym ents, m ust be entered into QuickBooks. Customize payroll information for each employee. In th e Pay Period field , select h ow often you issu e p ay ch eq u es to th e em p loyee. Th is in form ation is available from th e Em p loyee Payroll List rep ort. Enter additional adjustm ents you m ake to the gross or net pay here, w ith the exception of tax adjustm ents.

Such adjustm ents can include paym ents to a retirem ent plan, or union dues, com pany contributions for dental or life insurance to nam e a few. If you set up em ployee defaults, these adjustm ents m ay already be set. Qu ickBooks n ow h as all th e in form ation it n eed s to con tin u e p ayin g you r em p loyees th rou gh to th e en d of th is p ayroll year.

To start th e im p ort wizard , from th e File m en u , select Import, th en th e software you are im p ortin g from. For h elp , click th e Help bu tton in th e wizard. Th is form at is d ifferen t from. QIF, u sed by Qu icken. If you wan t to im p ort d ata from oth er software p rogram s, you n eed to create an IIF file from it or reform at d ata you alread y u se to con form to IIF stan d ard s.

Note: Creating an IIF file from scratch or changing data from another accounting program into an IIF file is not recommended unless you have programming experience.

However, you do not need to learn about the IIF format to export lists and import them back into QuickBooks see below. Note: When you import a list into an existing QuickBooks company, QuickBooks replaces any duplicate entries with ones from the import file. Also, if you h ave u n p aid balan ces for a cu stom er or ven d or, you m u st en ter an in voice or bill th at at least tells th e total am ou n t owed. You can th en im p ort th e IIF file in to sp read sh eets, word p rocessors, d atabase p rogram s, or oth er Qu ickBooks com p an ies.

M e t hod W h a t it d o e s A dv a nt a ge s D is a d v a n t a g e s Print to disk M akes a copy of a list or You can im port the file Only lists and reports can be report in a form at com - into a spreadsheet or printed to disk. QuickBooks cannot read files program s printed to disk.

Export Puts lists into a file in IIF Share lists w ith other com pany QuickBooks can export only form at, w ith one record files or databases, w ord proces- lists, not transactions or per line and one colum n sor, or spreadsheets. Add to the reports. To work th is way, set u p a tim e with you r accou n tan t to start th e session. You r accou n tan t gives you an In tern et ad d ress an d licen se key.

W h en you go to th e ad d ress an d en ter th e n u m ber, you r accou n tan t can begin th e rem ote access session. Du rin g th e session , you r accou n tan t con trols Qu ickBooks on you r com p u ter.

Every action you r accou n tan t takes is sh own in real tim e on you r screen. You r accou n tan t h as access on ly to you r Qu ickBooks software an d p rogram s th at in tegrate with it. Mean wh ile, you can con tin u e to en ter d aily tran saction s in th e origin al m aster com p an y file.

Note that while the accountant is editing a copy of your company file, you cannot make changes to the master file that you have. After th e accou n tan t h as m ad e ch an ges, you can m erge th e ch an ges in to you r m aster file. QBX exten sion in stead of th e u su al.

QBW or. W h en you start workin g with th ese files for th e first tim e, Qu ickBooks d ecom p resses th em to a. There are many alternatives you can use to create an invoice.

You can use the free invoice generator on this page, check one of our free invoice templates , or use an invoicing software like QuickBooks Online. If you have created an invoice with our invoice generator, we recommend downloading the PDF invoice and sending it directly to your customers.

An invoice number is a unique identifier assigned to invoices to organize them. Check our article about invoice numbers to learn the ins and outs of this topic. To create an invoice in excel or word, you can download one of our free invoice templates. Or you can create an invoice with our invoice generator tool and download it on PDF. Our invoice generator is free to use both for personal and commercial purposes. Use it as much as you need, share it around, or link to it from your website.

No, the invoice generator can be used by anyone even if they are not a QuickBooks user. We created it to give small business owners, freelancers, and entrepreneurs an easy-to-use tool to create a professional invoice for free. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions, features, support, pricing, and service options subject to change without notice. Small Business. Bank Feeds. Cloud Accounting. Project Profitability.

We always ensure that our customer does not have to wait for long to get information or error resolved. Once you visit our website , you can find all the services and solutions on our website. You can also get in touch with us via our Live Chat Support on our Website. If you have any queries about QuickBooks download, installation, and registration, get in touch with QuickBooks support via call or chat. Yes, an update is important and required on regular basis.

It helps you in updating and improving the QuickBooks software so that you can do things with ease. The backup and restore is the most important thing in your QuickBooks account. You must take the backup on a regular basis so that if there is any problem or error and it causes the data loss; then you can restore the recent backup file to get back all your data.

In this situation, you can connect with the QuickBooks helpdesk team which has all the solutions and answers to your problems and queries. The team members are available days a year so that they get you out of all the problems. You can communicate whenever required. Get solutions to all of your accounting and bookkeeping problems with industry-leading experts.

Chat Now. Preview Download Invoice. How to make an invoice using our free invoice generator Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a professional invoice that can be customized to your business's specific needs.

To get you started with your invoice, follow these 10 easy steps: Enter the information for your invoice including the invoice number, invoice date, and invoice due date. If needed, you can add more fields, and notes in this section.

Add your business name or your name if you are a freelancer , your email address, contact number, and address into the billed by section. Fill out the billed to section with the information of the business or client you are sending the invoice to.

Add each product or service as a line item, along with a description, quantity, and rate. You can also directly write down the amount if you did not want to add quantity or rate and remove those two items from the invoice settings panel on the right.

If you are invoicing for multiple goods or services, you can add a new invoice item below the one you created on step 4.

If applicable, you can add the sales tax amount and shipping costs on the invoice settings panel. Then, to write instructions, payment terms, or any other relevant information, click on the add notes button. Add your signature , or create a space for your client to sign the invoice if relevant. Adding the banners or the header is optional, but we wanted to make sure you have the option to create the best invoice online that suits your needs.

Tired of manually creating and sending each invoice? With QuickBooks online you can: Create and send customized, professional invoices from your phone or computer, which will help you save time and get paid faster, no matter where you are Set up automatic invoices to help you get paid on time Generate smart predictions that make it easy to know when your invoices will be paid, you can even automate gentle reminders for overdue invoices Get Started with QuickBooks invoicing software to send better invoices and get paid twice as fast as paper invoicing.

Frequently Asked Questions. What is an invoice?
